[No. 2006] で、このようにご案内しました。
> 世界の子どもたちをつなぐコミュニティサイト
> “未来クル・MIRACLE―こども未来創造プロジェクト”、
> 日・英語でプレ・オープンしました〜!
> http://miracle-kids.net
> フル・オープンに向けて、日本と世界の子どもたちにプチ・アンケート中です。
> あなたが思う
> 「今あるもので、100年後も残っていて欲しいもの」は何でしょうか?
> http://miracle-kids.net
> 日本と世界の子どもたちが、何を100年後にも残したいと思っているか、
> 興味シンシンです。
世界と日本の子どもたちから「ぼくの/私の100年後にも残したもの」が集まってきています。プレ・オープン中にも週に2つずつくらい、紹介していますので、ときどきのぞいてみてくださいね! いまはタイの10歳の女の子の声が載っています。
(ちなみに英語ページはこちらです。http://miracle-kids.net/en/ )
Kids' Voices Wanted: "What do you want to leave behind 100 years from now?"
JFS launched the preliminary website of “Miracle Miracle” project, an online community for global kids.
About Miracle Miracle: http://miracle-kids.net/en/aboutus/
Quick introduction: http://p.tl/qktm
We are now pitching the question “What do you want to leave behind 100 years from now?” to children from around the world.
We hope this question will give them the opportunity to create a shared vision of the future while giving adults the chance to have a fresh insight into the role they can play in today’s society.
We would appreciate if you would kindly introduce children around you to answer this question.
For individuals: http://p.tl/yKq0
Join us as a team: http://miracle-kids.net/en/information/ecoschool.html
For those who join us as a team, we will send the group representative our full report on the results of our questionnaire.
The result of their answers will be announced in early September with the official launch of this site.
Thank you very much for reading this message. Please contact us at any time for any questions or comments at: info@miracle-kids.net
About Miracle Miracle
Miracle Miracle is an online community for global kids organized by Japan for Sustainability and NIPPONKOA Insurance Co., Ltd.
We will have the following contents in the future.
○Kids Changing the World
Introduction of kids or adults (who were once children) who are active in various fields
○Miracle Report
Weekly report on interesting, surprising or touching stories around the world
- Used Fire Hoses Are Turned into Suspension Bridge for Orangutans (From Borneo)
- After the Big Earth Quake, There are What Only Children can Do(From Japan)
- Play Ground of Elementary School Changed into Orchard!? (From England)
- Adults Pay Tribute to World's "Climate Champions" (From around the world) etc.
About Japan for Sustainability:
Japan for Sustainability (JFS), established in 2002, is a non-profit organization providing information on developments and activities in Japan that lead toward sustainability to 191 countries.
About NIPPONKOA Insurance Co., Ltd.: NIPPONKOA Insurance Co., Ltd., established in April 2001 through a merger of The Nippon Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (founded in 1892) and The Koa Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (founded in 1918), is Japan’s third-oldest non-life insurance provider. It commands more than 9% of Japan’s non-life insurance market, which ranks as one of the largest in the world, together with those of United States, Germany, and England.